Module Line.Mailcap

module Mailcap: sig .. end
Line structure for mailcap entries. See mailcap(5).

val content_type : Line.t -> string
The content type to which this mailcap entry applies. (accessor, required)
val set_content_type : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Mailcap.content_type
val command : Line.t -> string
The command to view files of this type. (accessor, required)
val set_command : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Mailcap.command
val flags : Line.t -> string list
Mailcap flags such as needsterminal or copiousoutput. (accessor, required)
val set_flags : string list -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Mailcap.flags
val fields : Line.t -> (string * string) list
Association list of named fields such as print= or compose=. (accessor, required, default = [])
val set_fields : (string * string) list -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Mailcap.fields
val create : content_type:string ->
command:string ->
flags:string list -> fields:(string * string) list -> Line.t -> Line.t
Add the Line.Mailcap substructure to a line.